Craftivism and Chat Groups in 2019
Following the success of Craftivism and Chat in the last few months of 2018, we continued running the group and growing the project, securing funding from The Wimbledon Foundation. You can read more about the groups throughout 2019 below:
10th January 2019 - Lets discuss Transport/Accessibility/Merton's new local plan and the Sutton Link & Postcard making
7th February 2019 - What Independent Living Means to you and how Merton CIL can support Independent Living with John Kelly & painting a canvas with oil paints
7th March 2019 - Lets discuss disability eqaulity & protest placard making
4th April 2019 - Sexual Health Consultation and Easter Egg Painting
2nd May 2019 - Protest against Hate and Discrimination – A Song Workshop with Jackie Schneider
4th July 2019 - Meet Louise from Blue Cross and Amada from QEF to discuss PIP motobility scheme, transport and accessibility
3rd October 2019 - Hate Crime Awarness Week, Neighbour Disputes and Safer Merton Consultation Response.
Nov 2019 -
Dec 2019 - Christmas wreath making workshop and meet the caseworkers