These strategic aims will support 5 years of work with local Disabled people to push for a more inclusive, diverse, equitable and fair society, that is free from discrimination and allows all members of society to participate and contribute.

Merton CIL Strategy Summary

From 2020-2023, our delivery against our strategy was disrupted by the external environment (pandemic, lockdowns, and cost of living crisis). The objectives under each aim were no longer as relevant as they once were as our needs evolved in response to current issues. This learning informed the decision to have an evolving strategy. This will ensure that our organisation remains resilient and responsive. Every year Merton CIL’s trustees and our M&E steering group will meet to review progress against each aim and analyse if objectives should be updated based on evidence of need and changes in the external environment. 


Thank you to everyone that got involved in events, focus groups, discussions and more, that helped us to shape our work and services. 

You can download a summary version of our strategy here - Merton CIL Strategy Summary 

You can see our startegy map below and download it here - Merton CIL Strategy Map 2024

Merton CIL Strategy Map