Craftivism & Chat - June 2021 

Let's Work Together to Push for Change

A co-produced workshop developed and led by 4 Deaf and Disabled leaders that explored issues around confidence and how working together to grow our confidence could achieve positive and lasting change. 


Image: The image above is a confidence tree. The roots some some of the causes of our issues as Deaf and Disabled people around confidence and the leaves show the positive effects of Deaf and Disabled people feeling confident. This image was developed with Deaf and Disabled people in the session. 


We began by sharing our names and a word that described us and a short drama exercise led by Bryony of RUILS/ Ignite me Theatre Group. The exercise required us to think of famous Deaf and Disabled people that we may admire or that we are intrigued by. You can watch the exercise below:


We then went on to have an interactive discussion where we shared an experience of how our confidence has grown or been negatively impacted and what we believe are the root causes of our confidence issues as Deaf and Disabled people. 

What are the roots of our confidence issues as Deaf & Disabled people?


The future and our expectations