The council are currently consulting Merton residents on how the availability of toilets across the borough affects people in their daily lives, especially the elderly and those with health conditions requiring more frequent visits to the toilet.


For many Disabled people in Merton, the health implications of a lack of access to toilets are significant. A Merton CIL member shared that they are required to drink 2 litres of water a day to maintain their conditions. However, they regularly reduce fluid intake ahead of leaving their home to avoid the difficulties of finding an accessible toilet.


Almost all members involved in our work around accessibility have shared stories of having to carefully plan where they can go in the borough and often having to limit how long they can stay out due to limited toilet provision.


We welcome the review of toilet provision in Merton, and we are keen to see improvements following this consultation. We believe that making the borough more accessible will improve the quality of life for all.


Please take 10 minutes to complete the council’s short consultation - here.

If you are a local Disabled person and require support to share your feedback, please get in touch


Merton CIL's response to Merton’s consultation on toilet provision

You can read our response here - Merton CIL’s response to The London Borough of Merton’s consultation on local toilet provision.